Sunday 11 December 2011


An eclectic mix of ex-patriots 'down under' in Andalusia lends for a very festive if not eventful Turkey Day treat.  At the insistence of una Americana, we decided to pot-luck our favorite traditional dishes and drag them over to her rental ...

In preparations, flurries of FB messages earmarked which dishes to cook, beverages were purchased and a tree of thanks was created as inspiration for our minions.  Leaves of every shape and color.

let's just say, I am really glad my mother is an excellent cook and created more variety a la vegetables than the traditional American family.  There were four separate potato dishes!  The turkey was delish - even if it looked like a scorched cat - it had been basted in a honey glaze and initially fired too long.  But, of course, my Grammy-style sweet potatoes with marshmallows was the hit.  Cranberry sauce de dried cranberries was the definite coup de etat.   We were able to share with a few locals who bravely dipped into the strange casseroles and left feeling as bloated and stuffed as we did!

so, other than delicious Spanish wine and the generosity of spirit of the occasion, what can one actually be thankful for whilst living so far away from home?  just that.  generosity of spirit and good wine.  often they come hand in hand.  without one you likely lack the other...  Thank goodness for Spain!

and of course, for the American spirit of tradition... ;)

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