Monday 25 October 2010

Estoy aqui

So I have heard somewhere that when you are walking on the Ramblas and you are trying to power down the lane to get away from the mob and someone steps into your way, that you are at fault.  It seems like there is some kind of basketball analogy here, but I skipped that part of the rule book.  What I understand is the issue is that they were in that space and therefore, you shouldn’t have gone for it.  To be fair, most of the people in the street really do walk like caracoles so it shouldn’t be too darn hard to estimate their space and how to avoid them.  But sometimes, it isn’t a perfect science.  At first, I admit, when I bumped into someone, even if it was my fault or not, I would immediately be American and apologize.  Perdoname.  However, after living here for a few months, I noticed that not a single Spaniard ever apologized.  In fact, they never even glanced up from my apology.  Then, I heard this theory and how the Spaniards think that Americans are so silly for constantly apologizing for things.  So, I learned to carry on without apology.  I just hope I remember to be polite when I return home.

1 comment:

  1. Yes...I have noticed this one very often here and I have to stop myself from getting angry at every single person who bumps me without saying a word...I suppose it's just their culture. I'm not in Kansas anymore! :)
